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WordPress How to update user password using REST API

Updating User Passwords in WordPress with the REST API

The WordPress REST API offers a powerful way to manage your website’s data programmatically, including user information. This article will guide you through the process of updating user passwords securely using the REST API.

Important Note: Implementing this feature requires careful consideration of security. Always handle sensitive information like passwords with the utmost care and implement strong security measures.


  1. Enable the REST API:
    • Navigate to your WordPress website’s admin dashboard.
    • Go to Settings > REST API.
    • Click the Enable the REST API button.
    • Select All for the API permissions to allow access to all endpoints.
    • Save the changes.
  2. Obtain User ID:
    • You need the user ID to update the password. You can find the user ID by:
      • Using the REST API endpoint: Send a GET request to the endpoint /wp/v2/users to retrieve a list of all users. The response will contain the user ID in the id field for each user.
      • Using a WordPress function: You can use the get_user_by function in your PHP code to fetch the user ID based on username or email address.
  3. Prepare the Request Data:
    • Create a JSON object containing the following data:
      "password": "new_password"
    • Replace new_password with the new password you want to set.
  4. Send the Update Request:
    • Use an HTTP client library (like cURL or Guzzle) to send a PUT request to the following endpoint:
    • Replace {user_id} with the actual user ID.
    • Set the Content-Type header to application/json to indicate that you are sending JSON data.
    • Include the Authorization header with the user’s username and password or a valid API token for authentication.
    • Include the JSON object you prepared in the request body.

Example with cURL:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic <base64_encoded_credentials>" \
     -d '{"password": "new_password"}' \

Important Considerations:

  • Security: Encrypt the user’s password before storing it in the database. Use a secure hashing algorithm like bcrypt.
  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling to catch any failures during the password update process.
  • Rate Limiting: Be aware of potential rate limits for the REST API. Implement appropriate measures to avoid exceeding those limits.
  • Authorization: Ensure you use a secure authentication mechanism to protect the API endpoint from unauthorized access.


Updating user passwords through the WordPress REST API provides a convenient and flexible way to manage user accounts programmatically. Remember to prioritize security and implement appropriate measures to protect sensitive data. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively update passwords using the REST API while maintaining a secure and robust system.